(Eyes On) My Favourite Tweet Account

By sophea ◇ - 7:03 AM

Salam and good night guys . How's your day ? I hope its went well and smooth :)

There's plenty of social media out there and twitter would be my favourite social media after all . I have been using it since I was secondary school ( around 8 years). At least on twitter people won't really bother either you online or not . So you won't be stressed up if you aren't replying any text yet lol  . Through ups and down been twitter user there's several account that catch up my eyes and becoming a must account that I'll look thru whenever I have time . 

So , here it is (btw i also attach their latest tweet there CTO )  : 

1) Teme

His wise word really out of my mind . He tweeted a lot of positive words and really good for people that easily feels down like me 

2) Mato
Mato used to have his old account but hm  suspended so he created new one . I bet I just love the way he tweeted and express his feelings . He has similarity with theme which both of them released such a good book . 

3) Mai

Her tweet such awaken to me to start counting my blessing and stop said nonsense things . She tweeted a lot of skin care tips neither . 

4) Azfar
For me Azfar is so funny but not always LOL . 

5) Dr Nimelesh 
Twitter full with people in different profession lawyer , doctor , cartoonist..what else? They share their valuable knowledge to us and for me it takes zero cent for us to read and digest what they said . For me why not right ? Plus this doctor is kdrama lover . 

Actually there's plenty of my favourite account that I use to scroll down their tweet , but sadly they either suspended ,mia or just not posting quality that suit my perspection he he . 

Do u guys also spend hours on twitter like me ? I would like to know your favourite account too , mind share with me !! 

Btw good night again , its suddenly raining here . Alhamdulillah , at least its a bit cold here :) . 

Goodbye , sayonara , anyeong . 

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  1. funny because i follow most of these accounts and i spent most of my days on twitter too but not so much on my personal, other account that is a must follow for me is mufti menk :))

    1. Agree ! Mufti menk tweet is a must to read , its simple to understand and sometimes its like its related with our own current mood

  2. omgg yes! i hate people using their zodiac or blood type to indentify their char

    1. Yep , me too . like how can u even such those things . Your character you build it by yourself and handle it by our own willingness .

  3. i love teme n kak mai too! dr. nimalesh tu pun best. kalau selalu cakap pasal mental health saya suka aiman amri. kalau quotes best2 suka dr. anwar fazal n mizi wahid! n kalau tweet bodo2 saya suka brgsjks xD

    1. Anep tu macam kadang annoying kadang funny juga hahaha

  4. Heyyy, same with me tooo! My favourite social media is twitter because I've been using it around 9 years, but I make twitter account since 2009.

    Dulu membuat akun ni belum tahu fungsinya apa, tapi setelah 2 tahun akun ni vakum, dan aku baru tahu cara menggunakannya, baru aku aktif sekitar 2011an, since Senior High School. Bahkan sempat punya boyfriend juga dari sini 😆 *ups, a confession*

    Banyak hal menarik yang aku dapat dari twitter, bahkan news yang sedang trending, aku dapat terlebih dahulu dari twitter 😆

    1. Right ? Twitter already good so I hope they won't update with weird thing anymore , no need .

      Hahah internet relationship lah ni .

      Yep we can get a lot of info but there's ugly side too ( evil comments bersepah ) so yah kalau ignore je OK je

  5. Tak terkejar kat twitter.. hehehe.. Kadang-kadang je buka..
    Tapi dekat twitter memang banyak positif words dari orang yang bagus-bagus..

    1. Betul tu , tapi saya pun dah tak active Sgt kat sana. Lumrah social media , ada yang positive , negative pun ada juga
