Thursday, March 11, 2021

Help ! I'm easily annoyed :(

 Heyo , assalamualaikum and goodnight guys . 

I have a problem ....and Its bugging me lately , so I'll just write on here I guess . To remove all the mess on my small brain . 

Do you guys ever have anger problem ? 

It just like you don't want be rude but its happened that way .

Ouh ,this would be a short entry I promise . Idk if I've anger issues lol because I trigger easily . For example if people suddenly being mad at me , I'll just mad at them too.  I response in that way .It just I'm not putting myself into their position ; maybe they have their own reasons right ? I feel bad but idk why I still react that way . 

Habit ? I think so . One of toxic traits of mine for sure .

The question , why they even mad at me lingering in my mind and make me over think . Especially when they not even stated to me why .

So I just need opinion , what should I do if I'm involve in this situation again . How to handle it without adding fuel into the fire . 

I feel sucks and tired of myself , I just don't want to hurt people who i love and care .I shouldn't treated them that way. I just wish I can be more thoughtful and showing them how they means a lot to me *showering loves *

Hopefully , I'll just able to fix myself (hope so ) 

Thank you for reading . Ouh mind dropping your thought . What should I do if I mad ? Drop it on comment sections .I badly need it :( . 

Goodbye and take care everyone . 

Thank you , again 💛


  1. babe, you punya tulisan kecik sgt, ai is rabun..hahah boleh tak besarkan sikit tulisan?
    i used to be like u..easily get triggered by something, until i try to control it. Like if people mad at me, I will just ignore them, or try to think why they act like that..but yeah need a lot of practice.

  2. sabar la dik, kadang kita terikut mood kita itu yang termarah jugak...
    lainkali kalau ada orang marah atau cakap kasar, cuba untuk rilex... senyap jangan lawan, jangan cakap apa... kene banyak sabar, kene rilex, senyum je

    akak pun kadang ada masalah berangin, cepat marah... kadang akak akan buat bodo je kalau ada orang marah ke apa, jangan fikir sangat... itu je

    1. Tula kak , saya rasa kalau lagi kita explain lagi gaduhkan .

      Baik diam , diam tak semesti salah tapi niat Cuba untuk meredakan keadaan .

  3. Cara Eza pulak Eza akan titis essential oil (EO) kat tapak tangan dan hidu kejab. So akan lebih calm. Suggest guna, EO geranium or lavender. Sekadar share apa yang Eza amalkan.

    Lepas tu kena divert benda yang buat kita marah tu ke perkara lain. Contohnya pergi shopping kat shopee ke atau benda yang boleh awak happy.

    Semoga awak baik-baik sahaja. :)

    1. Ouh nak try lah cara ni ! Sebab tak terfikir pun . Tapi yelah wangian menenangkan . Manatau lupa terus tengah marah .

      Tula ni kena terus install shopee balik lah ni

  4. Setiap orang memang ada perasaan marah tue..selain daripada sabar dengan apa yang berlaku, ada bebrapa cara lain lagi yang boleh dilakukan..

    Macam akak, kalu akak rasa marah yang meluap², akak akan coretkan nukilan akak pada diari, ataupun akak mandi.. kerana akak ada terbaca kat buku psikologi jika kita mandi dan air pancuran yang mengalir akan meredakan perasaan marah kita sebagaimana air yang mengalir...

    1. Kalau saya marah Sgt mesti terus nangis sorang sorang . Tapi betul terus mandi boleh sejukkan badan terus . Manatau marah sebab panas sangt sebab cuaca ke .Saya akan Cuba ni . Thank you kak share :)

  5. its hard to advice , because this is me .... i am doing it too but i forget it easily once i drown myself in the movies .. hmmm maybe u should isolate yourself from the person for a while ? then come back after u calm down ?

    1. Lol atie I did isolate myself for awhile but that person don't like my method . But I guess I'll just use that first method , watching movie . You should suggest me then few movies .

  6. Lately I just take a deep breath when i’m about to mad. It works a little :p

    1. Yeah , we need oxygen :D . Maybe if I'm about to mad I will just work out , who knows it helps me right

  7. I feel you, I used to have the same issue heck, even worse. I used to get mad to everyone who disagree with my opinion but as times passed by, it's better for me to not care at all about others and asked my opinion when it's only needed. The most important thing is too breath and maybe cry a bit since I'm a little sensitive

  8. Ala akak pun konon taknak marah tapi marah juga. Kadang macam ada sesuatu perasaan terpendam dalam hati.
    Buat masa ini akak minta Allah petunjuk dan berikan kesabaran dan maafkan mereka yang buat akak marah.
