Monday, March 1, 2021

Hello March ( hope )

 Hey guys and Assalamualaikum . Its almost a month I guess I haven't properly posting here .I really feel bad about it. Its not like I want to abandon these blog but my braincells just not commucating to each others lol .

So I guess I'll just posting my random thoughts here .

'My Hope For This Month ' : 

Hello March !! Ihope this month would be the best month for everyone and covid will slowly leaving us (sayonara). No more mask fashion show while buying groceries . 

I pray that all of us will become such a better version of ourselves . So actually last month , i have meet some of new people that just brighten my dull day and I mean they just great I'm thankful to know them .

So I can't wait what'll happen next for this month . Ouh one of my biggest mission for this month is to learn new recipe for ramadhan preparation. Since I would be the one who incharged to cook for iftar and sahoor , of course with the help of my sister . I hope I can learn more so that I won't repeat menu

The other mission I already jotted down to my daily journal book . I hope it'll be ticked a lot . Well I kinda annoyed my cats keep scratching cover of my journal book and its aging so fast , the book look like almost 100 years and I just bought it last January.Naughty cats , thank god they're half of me . So I can't get mad more than one minute . 

*cuteness overload * 

My another hope is that to actively making fanart and other illustration too ajaa ajaa fighting . 

      *I'm not posting on my artwork Instagram yet , this would be the first social media to see this ^^" 

Instagram : @browntofu_

Feel free to follow. I guess that's all for me :) . Till we meet again . Thank you for reading . 

So what's you guys wish for this March ? Mind sharing with me :) I'm glad to know it who knows we share the same thought :) .


  1. Tu la, harap² dengan adanya vaksin bolehla melandaikan lekok kebolehjangkitan Dan seterusnya melenyapkan virus ni.

    1. Betul tu I hope it'll over real soon and recovering all ppl who's affected

  2. hope everything went for you okay

  3. moga di permudahkan semuanya dik, untuk persiapan memasak untuk ramadhan boleh cuba ke blog akak bahagian resepi... banyak resepi mudah di situ sesuai untuk masakan di bulan puasa hehehhe

    1. Aminn thank you kak , ouh boleh boleh boleh lah jadi rujukan takde saya repeat menu je

  4. happy March Month :)
    Hope March would be no dull day for u as well as February :)

  5. Have a great month to all of us..
    Kenapa comel sangat meoww tu

    1. Yeaa may March becomes better :) kann comel kann

  6. hahah nasib puasa dekat rumah sendiri. Bab sahur dengan berbuka ni memang I buat cincai je sebab masa puaasa lebih suka minum air daripada makan

    1. Wah kalau mcm tu confirm berat turun banyaklah mcm tu

  7. ommeyyy nyerrr diaaaaaa gerammmm

  8. Hopefully recite al-Quran frequently. Insya Allah.

  9. Ya Allah, geramnya tengok si meow tu!
    Happy March, dik! Moga impian dan target utk bulan ni akan tercapai.

    1. Kann miaw tu saja je goda taula comel . terima kasih , semoga dpt yang diinginkan juga

  10. Semoga semuanya baik baik je di bulan mac ni dan tercapai apa yang diimpikan. Selamat belajar resepi baru :)

  11. miss my cat nasib baik dh boleh rentas daerah. hehe
    bagus tu belajar masak utk bln puasa.
