
Should i resign ?

 Hello guys lol i dont know why i  always leaving this blog for a month and only comeback when its a new month . Sorry yea , i just don't have much to tell . I just living my introvert life peacefully .Lately i have been kinda stress with work place. Actually i...

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time to let you go ? ห™โ— ห™

 Good bye October and Hello November ( why October so fast lol ) 01:43 โ”โ”โ”โ”โ—โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ 03:50โ‡†ใ…ค ใ…คโ—ใ…ค โšโš ใ…คโ–ท ใ…คใ…คโ†ป Now Playing : IKON - FLOWER 'Following the path of cloudsOn the other sideWill our old selves still be there?And I know that I canโ€™t turn back timeOr hold onto you and bring you back'Here...

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Stay fit

 Hey guys happy weekend ! I think i able to balance between being productive and recharging my energy for this weekend . I start a day by 30 mins brisk walk , which im proud i did it :) . I have plan about it since yesterday . I hope i can do it...

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It aint me

Hi , assalamualaikum :) Balik je kerja rasa exhausted sangat . Then tertidur . Best kan , tertidur waktu hujan . Bangun je its already 1 am . Tengok semua dah tidur , sepi je rumah . Then i found out ouh lupa makan tteokbokki rose dari cu mart . Enak juga rasanya even i...

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I like it when i'm sad ( Unrequited love story ) เซฎ หถแต” แต• แต”หถ แƒ

Hi good evening  and assalamualaikum . How you guys doing ? Anything new happen lately ? Well for me ,  i'm doing well . I think so , you guys  know what ? Finally , i get a closure about something :) .  I kinda sad but i feel happy also at the same time...

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