
Should i resign ?

By sophea ◇ - 9:07 AM

 Hello guys lol i dont know why i  always leaving this blog for a month and only comeback when its a new month . Sorry yea , i just don't have much to tell . I just living my introvert life peacefully .

Lately i have been kinda stress with work place. Actually i the one of people who rarely talk about work after work hour . Welp , that's nothing wrong with that right ? 

However lately so many people who wanna to resign including share holder so i think its a big thing . I really want to resign but i dont have a back up plan . Even if i do , i will just resign without a new job . Means that i need to wait for awhile while getting a new job . Probably months since its a small town . But i don't want to stay in a toxic environment and work under a poor management anymore .

 I kinda stuck and don't know . I wish i get a new job soon since i apply for some . Please pray for me guys . I hope i start next year with physical , mental and financial stable :) . 

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  1. Moga dipermudahkan semuanya, kalau kerja di tempat kerja yg toxic memang kita rasa tak best.

  2. Salam, Hi sis..
    I wish u well and hope u'll find new job yang lebih baik dari sekarang.
    I used to have the same experience like yours.. toxic environment + poor management, and i deal dengan benda tu for 8 years. How? I just set dalam kepala, I pegi keje, buat keje and balik. That's it. Sampai masa, i quit and I buat business sendiri based on my expertise . Settle. Hehehe.. =D

    Take care..!

  3. Introvert.. same as me, rehat di rumah tanpa gangguan.

    Boss mencari lepas waktu kerja, bukan tak pernah berlaku, tapi bila kerap akan jadi annoying. Jalan terbaik, selepas waktu bekerja, kau tunggu jelah esoknya baru ku reply.

    Nak resign.. InsyaAllah.. akan buat cuma bukan dalam waktu terdekat. Masih banyak perkara nak kena uruskan.

    Apa-apapun moga semua urusan awak dipermudahkanNYA. Mental health pun kena jaga sebaiknya.

  4. hope you will get a job with healthier environment soon . one post each month is still good . at least , people know the blog is still active. life must has been so hectic and quite chaotic for you now . but you come back here anyway . nice !

  5. May Allah ease everything. Take care and stay strong.

  6. hello!! good luck!! just believe in that you have what u want already! i know its easier said than done. but since november of this year i have been doing that and look now i have another client who told me she had someone for fulltime.. but now she needs me to start asap! i've been super blessed i cant even explain lol well good luck and i believe in you! believe in yourself too you deserve a happy life and happy job <3
    - kikita!
