5 Kerenah Unique My Cat

By sophea ◇ - 8:16 AM

Anyeongheseyo (acah korea jap) !! i just typing this entry  while dengar kes corona have been drastically increase . *tepuk dahi guna bantal * so i'm going to update with half malay half english or known as menglish ikut koranglah nak panggil apa rojak ke mee rebus ke hahahha .You know what ppl around me know me as someone yang 'obsess' with kucing . Why not they're cute  =,= . I have been adopt cats since i was young with my fam help.Some already dead , another gone missing .Only by this year i lost my 4 kittens and 2 cats just like that . Only god knows how i feel . They're the one that always been there whenever what it is . My talk buddy .

But i kinda bersyukur sangat since Allah let me my two cats stay with me until now :') . One male (mambin) and one female (Niko chan) . Guess what , Niko is preggy now after losing her kids last 2 months . I hope sangat her kids going to survive till besar . Jebalyo ~ For me ,each cats have their own unique part and here are my cats punya kerenah :

1) Pandai buka pintu sendiri

Dekat rumah ada slide door and dorang pandailah buka sendiri , cuma mambin dia tak pandai lagi cakar-cakar je . The victim would be my brother yang tidur at ruang tamu he'll bukakan . But the he was so mad yela mambin tu , after dah masuk kenyang makan nak keluar pun suruh orang bukakan pintu.Macam king punya perangai .

2) Suka panggil

My cats tend to panggil yang mengada tu , i thought they're hungry or what rupanya nak attention je . Hish , thank god they're cutest or else i'll gigit their cheeks ( i already did that ) . Like mambin has soft voice , the whole family call he ' pondan ' . Kurang ajar ~ hahaha .He just soft and cute life tofu that i never eat for entire of my life.

3) Tunggu depan pintu Bilik air

Kalau dorang ada depan pintu bilik air kan dah tahu dah what they want actually . Niko tu sanggup berejam duduk situ until ppl come and help her to get some water . She wont bising . Well niko is the kindest in term of reducing noise pollution . But shes devil since
she still sometimes poop inside the house . Tukang cuci ofcoz me . You guys have suggestion ? I already tred few tips but it doesnt work with Niko Litter box also mammbin je can trained well . Uh sedih.

4) Parkour

U guys know parkour ? Extreme sport yang orang suka lompat from one building to another.Niko can did that . She jump to the wall secara menyenget and try to lompat to another wall . Extreme  bukan ? (hambaruddin punya manusia) . Berbeza dengan tuan dia ni yang tidak sukakan sukan extreme..Kita main catur jela ye ...

5) stick tongue

Sometimes i wonder they're dog or cat .At first i saw Niko did that , then all her kids and keturunan also rupanya macam tu . Then i guess shes half dog and cat in her spirit hahahahah.Funny ~ they being like that after going throught playing session with me . Even tengah preggy pantang nampak if i play with mambin dia pun nak join , dahlah lompat yang tinggi tu ..Guess what ? i really have to record if they did that and post it here .

p/s : I can't wait to get new kittens :D i hope all of them can survive and be healthy sampai ke tua.

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  1. how cutee! izzati senyum sorang-sorang baca ni. my cat pulak suka sepahkan bilik. bila lepas je dalam bilik memang habislah pasu bunga apa semua hehe. but cat always be the best buddy hehe. <3

  2. Hebatnya pandainya buka pintu! mesti comel!


  3. tangan dia ada otot rasanya thats why la hahaha
