Surat Untuk Myself In The Future

By sophea ◇ - 8:20 AM


I hope u guys have a good day :) . Dah lama dah actually I want to post this but idk when , I mean I still lack of content . 

Have u guys ever terfikir nak send letter to future you ?Maksudnya macam its you but in the future . Macam time kapsul la. Like mesti cool kan ? I watch The Return Of Superman yang Sam tanam surat untuk William Dan Bentley . Cute je :3 

Okay back to topic kita yang teramatlah crucial untuk di kupas , kopek atau dipotong nipis . I have thinking about this a lot I even tried before but its end up the whole rumah read it (my diary)Hahahaha.Tragic bukan? Since then I never ada diary dah lol. I used to write whenever I mad and sad only . Jarang kalau untuk sebab gembira .


I even makes a joke with my friend ; what if kalau I do tanam then lupa where I put it after 10 years ? Or other people might read it as well ? So it has prons and cons . Focus on the kebaikan , Major benefit it gives such a good reflection to us . 

Reflection ; that we have doing well at least .

So if u have thing to say you in future , what would u say first ? 

If for me it would be look like this ; 

Hello me in the future , how have u been ? Is it still hard there ? Thank you for surviving and pls stay happy and healthy . Don't worry , I'll trying to do my best so you won't feel burden ...

I have a lot of personal things to say to myself but I guess been transparent here not a good idea hahaha . 

So I really going to make my time capsule real soon !! I really excites for it . Nanti after 10 years baru I read it he he .

So guys , would u guys give a try to do time capsule ? Or pernah buat ke ? Sharelah sini , I really love to read korang punya comment . 

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  1. I've wrote one but it's more like a letter for myself in the past, and i even posted it on my blog last year. Just like you, i thank myself for had been surviving and so on. i actually thinking of having new one for my future too, but i have no idea how to do it properly (especially make a capsule time?), so yeah it just still an idea till this time😂

    1. Yeah I did for a letter but never try for capsule thing even I really want to do it. But I guess I need a time to focus on it and make it a good outcome

  2. Tidak pernah buat. Ini terfikir hendak buat ke tidak.
    Hehe betul tidak pasti hendak tanam di mana.

    1. Nanti tanam lupa tanam kat mana :') tu paling saya risau hahaha

  3. tak pernah lagi hantar surat ke future, but i really nak hantar surat ke masa silam.. nt i buat dekat blog i hehehe

  4. Tak pernah buat.. Tapi macam menarik juga.. hehehe

    1. Kan , kalau says anggap its such reflection je

  5. i pun dulu ade diary pastu kena baca.. malu betul. surat2 ni x reti sangat la nak tulis tapi boleh try. hehe

    1. Hahaha tau Sgt perasaan if kena baca tu ^^" rasa annoying betul ! Terang terang tu diary nak baca juga haish hahah

  6. I have not think of a time capsule yet but this surely sounds like a wonderful idea! Have a great day!

  7. Uncle ni tak arif pasal kapsul2 ni... tapi kalau kapsul ekstrak ikan haruan tau la.... hehehe

  8. Menarik juga ide berkirim surat untuk diri sendiri 😊.
    Aku jadi penasaran gimana sensasinya.

    1. Hahaha iya its a good idea but its just I never have opportunity to do that properly


  9. singgah sini minum Ais Latte,jom ngeteh kat blog saya :D

  10. ekceli i always made my students write a letter for themselves di minggu akhir kuliah, dari diri mereka yang di minggu awal kuliah. hehe..

    1. It will obviously giving such different outcome

  11. I do have a diary when I was in lower-form before I shift to blog writing. Lepas masuk asasi banyak tulis dan luah perasaan dalam bentuk metafora dan kiasan dalam cerpen kat Wattpad :) It's like a secret code that only I would understand the real shape but open to others subjectivity ehe.

    1. You are so creative !! So u can avoid from those yang suka baca diary orang he he . Yep wattpad is such a good medium to write our feelings but in anonymous mode

  12. Tidak pernah terfikir. tapi perancangan untuk masa depan itu pasti :)

  13. I would say,

    Dear myself,

    Please please please stay strong no matter what happen.
    Do not downgrade yourself.
    Do what your heart tells you to do.
    You'll get through it.

  14. Omg saya pernah terfikir juga nak buat surat then tanam kononnya nak saya gali balik in the future hehehehe 😅
