My cat continually scratch me | Selamat Hari Merdeka -63

By sophea ◇ - 9:17 AM


                            Mambin the day dia balik after few weeks hilang 

Mato  i believe shes gone already,the last day i met her condition not that good , she might infected with parvovirus as well same like my kittens that dead bcs of that / i miss her

Mino , all i remember my last hug to her and her clingy attitude , some one stole her 

Assalamualaikum , Goodnight guys :) 

If u guys remember i used my username as 'mambin' before . If not thats okay ^^" That's not even my surname , its indeed my cat's name . Look at first picture .Why mambin ? Its nickname for  Kim Hanbin, the leader of group Ikon ( lol excuse my obsession) . So Mambin kira macam alpha dalam kalangan cats kat sini since his siblings hilang and my whole family pay attention to him (dia manja). I also selalu panggil kalau tengok dia hilang entah ke mana . Risau , this neighbourhood tak suka kucing sangat . They used to buang kucing even kucing orang ( theres saksi yang nampak) . I have few cats yang dibuang oleh that uncle (Mambin one of them but succeed to find this home back) . Everyone know that uncle has habit buang other people punya kucing but they really has say nothing .

So its been a month i obtain new kittens 5 all them , if i have time i'll attach their pictures with full entry about them .I'm excited they are so cute , they able to chew food already. Idk why , but Mambin keep scratching me , even on my face which leave marks . He did scratch on my face twice and i don't count for my hand yet . Sometimes he looks okay , but out of sudden he attacked me and keep biting my hands . 

Idk either he is jealous ( lack of attention) , depressed , mites , etc . I still taking care of him like usual ,In evening , i would spend time walk with him at the garden. So i'm just curious (why his behavior change rapidly) and still mad haha . I hope u guys can share tips ( so he not being wild anymore) , or briefly share experience regarding this . Hihi i would like to read those too .

Okay , since tomorrow we'll celebrating independence day i would like to take this opportunity to wish " Selamat hari merdeka yang ke 63 , #MalaysiaPrihatin , Please take care where ever we are okay " 

p/s : I'm so sad because Mambin used to be bubbly cute and such a warm cat :(

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  1. Comelnya mereka secomel namanya. Selamat hari merdeka yang ke 63 dan selamat bercuti Sophea.

    1. hihi , saya suka cubit-cubit pipi dorang ! yeay selamat hari merdeka juga azhafizah :)

  2. my car scratched my dad's finger pas tu my dad pukul tgn dia dgn kasut..then merajuk berbulan tak balik uma... then now dah balik dah... hahaha

    1. kan atie ? kucing ni sensitive sikit . alololo berbulan tak balik tu marah teruk lah tu hahaha mana lah dia tinggal masa hilang tu .

      mambin ni masalah hormone kejap ok kejap tiba nak cakar ish sebaik sayang kalau tak dah lama hempuk dgn bantal hahaha

  3. Salam,
    Ganas Mambin. Becareful always, dont simply let him scratch your face. Jangan bagi muka. hehehe. for a while, Just ignore him . Let him relax, cool his mind, maybe he is stress with what he has gone through, bad experienced.

    1. waalaikumusalam .

      I think the same way too but i hope he'll become like the old him :) i juz miss the old him

  4. Replies
    1. selalu cubit pipi dorang , celik je mata mesti cari dorang hihi

  5. Mino to komfom ramai orang bekenan... tak heran kalau ada yg geram & curi...

    1. tula uncle , sedih saya mino tu dahlah manja , dia kucing ke berapa entah yang saya hilang

  6. Moga mambin kembali okay ya.
    Maybe perlu sedikit masa.

    1. harapkan bgitu , saya juga sedang baca tips pasal haiwan , manatahu ada yg saya terlepas pndg ke

  7. murah rezeki orang yang membela kucing sebaik baiknya.

  8. Suka nya Mino tu. Sebab muka nampak comot tapi bersih.

    1. lagi satu dia manja , suka orang dukung dia mcm budak kecik

  9. tolong sy picit2 kan diorg ni...eeee geramnyaaaaaa tgk ;-)

  10. Comei-comei belaka! 😆
    Eee that uncle yang suka-suka hati buang kucing orang tu....mungkin dia orang tak betul agaknya 😐

    *Follower #89 🎈

    1. entahlah saya harap dia sedar kesilapan dia dan stop aniaya org smpai mcm tu sekali , thanks follow :)

  11. hye dear..follow you
    Anyway i have been adopting cats since i'm young like 5 years old, mambin been missing before right?so i guess mambin sometimes feels insecure, that's why he scratch usually wont scratch unless they feels danger. So you kena build balik trust between you dengan mambin la..dia still takot tu..

    1. Lepas hilang je he was like so manja but now when ada new kittens suddenly jadi mcm tu , maybe i salah sangka kot , maybe as u said cat only do scratch when they feel in danger. I main ganas sgt kot :/

  12. comelnya mereka semua... jahatnya uncle tu main buang je kucing orang

    1. comel tula i miss them :( tu la for sure if that uncle buat lagi i'll take action with him

  13. Comelnya! Tapi tulah kucing ni umpama kita rela dia sakiti kita tapi tetap sayang ❤️😅

    1. hihi makasih . kan ? berbekas mcm macam mana pun dia cakar, dia miaw sikit dah cair balik hahaha

  14. selamat hari kemerdekaan ya. comel kucing awak!

  15. Selamat hari Merdeka ke-63 untuk segenap rakyat Malaysia!!

    1. terima kasih !! selamat hari kemerdekaan juga ya :)

  16. Hi Sophea, nice to know you and thank you for visiting my blog :D
    Happy independence day for Malaysia. Stay safe and healthy for you, dear Sophea :)

    1. hi !! thank u :) u have such a nice blog btw .
      Happy independence day to Indonesia too , stay safe and be happy :)

  17. Kesiannya kucing kena curi Dan Ada yg sakit..

    1. tula , sedih :( penat jaga dari lahir jadi macam tu hm

  18. OMG comelll nyaaaaaa kucing sis ^^ nama pun comel-comel semua

  19. Hi Sophea, your cats and their name are so cute! How cruel your neighbor who throw away cats :(( Nice to know your blog :D

    1. hi eyaa !! hey thanks haha :) my sister and i brainwash just to name them it took weeks sometimes lol . Yeah i hope they stop doing so or else i need to move out and find new place for my cats .

  20. semua comel! sukanya.. neighbourhood skrg ni memang x suka kucing.. pantang betul kalau masuk pagar diorang

    1. betul !! saya pernah nampak kucing yang pecah muka sebab dipukul , Allahu semoga perlakunya dibalas setimpal balasan .

  21. chomel je kuching ., nk jaga kucing pon leceh gak., ;p
