Friend for benefit . Is it real ?

By sophea ◇ - 7:54 PM




 Hey guys Assalamualaikum and very good morning . Hey its Saturday aight? You know why i'm asking ? Sebab yesterday i messaged my friend , asked about her brother's wedding , i thought its today but its actually tomorrow . Wont it would be hilarious funny if i come to her home dengan berbaju kurung lengkap pakej gadis melayu terakhir but the ceremony is tomorrow?

 While i'm writing this i keep thinking that : 

  • I just thinking too much ( over reacted )
  • i might be wrong

Friend for benefit either directly or indirectly . Once we grow older we'll unfortunately losing them one by one . Due to commitments and other issues. This is what everyone experience when we're in early 20's i guesss .Actually , i could stated that i'm in the lowest point of my life right now and i lost a lot of my friends ( which makes me realize about one thing : the real one would stay no matter what ) . However , i couldnt blame them totally because i have cut contacts with them and have been depressed for almost years . 

But i do really thankful for few friends that still find a way to reach me , even they're so busy with their own life  . They don't value me based on what i have , they accept me the way i am .  I am so sad that i can't balas their kebaikan sekarang . But surely inshaa Allah one day . 

To friend that already go to different path , it just we aren't in the same line of life anymore . I would cherish each of our memories . Good luck and be happy .

How people be friend with you for benefit ? 

1) Money 

This is the most of reasons why they being clowning and willing to be like a leech . You provide them money ,  and they'll follow you wherever you go . I believe money has a strong impact " you can be happy without money " that's all lying . You still need money , even to go to the public restroom.Well , i never experience this since i'm penniless ,  only can buy my own food lol .

2) Fame 

By watching tons of college english movie ,teenage lifestyle that always end with the heroin chosen to become a prom queen .Typical movie , whereas in real life i become AJK in dinner time and has no time for a picture sobs sobs thats real .

3) Position 

I guess this is really transparent when you start working . Subordinates who spills sweet words infront the boss even they just being faking. Is it really worth it ? I always told myself to be real with myself , if you don't like the way people treat you ,, then confront with them . Things like that .

Idk if there's anything left ? I'm short of ideas hehe . Have u guys experience things like this ? It sucks and yeah it hurts a lot when you realize they just using u for benefit . They throw you away when you aren't giving them benefit anymore. Never mind , lets move on and live happily with our own life . 

Remember this : We  also can be toxic in someone else life

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  1. Cherish your friends that always with you.

  2. Sometimes, reality is hurt but that the truth. Always be positive and ignore negative thinking. :)

    1. yeah you're right :) i'll focus on myself and try to be more positive

  3. Ingat lagi masa time kak shida sek. Men..
    mas atu sek men kak shida ni ade harian dan asrama..mix
    kami dak2 asrama mmg bkawan dgn bdk2 luar ni sbgai benefit..
    benefit dr segi..lanje mkn time rehat hahaha..major begitu rasanya..

    tp kalau kata kawan baik..kalau tahu nilai persahabatan rasanya..
    boleh tukar benefit to sharing and caring..
    kalau jenis kawan xikhlas sebegitulah..selalunya..adahal baru pgil KAWAN~

    1. hahah nakal ye kak shida ni juga ^^"
      saya tulah kawan jelah sesiapa pun , tapi bila kita susah kita baru kenal siapa kawan kita sebenarnya .

  4. friend will comes and go.. only the qualities ones will stays :)

    jemput baca novel in my blog

    1. you're right atie , quality over quantity .
      Okay sure nanti saya balas visit :)

  5. hi! its okay.. just let them. be happy always ok :)

    1. :) yeah i'll let it go , it just a lesson right :) thank you

  6. sometimes benda kecik macam ajak teman makan selalu pun kai rasa dipergunakan hahahah. lagi-lagi bila orang tu tak ajak pun kalau nak buat benda lain hmm.

    1. faham ! bila dia takde orang nak minta tolong cari kita tapi kalau untuk have fun tak ajak pun

  7. Paling tak best kalau ada kawan yang ada masa senang je. that's why better tak perlu ada kawan baik. Biar kawan tak ramai tapi ada kawan yang berkualiti.

    1. kan , baik kita appreciate je kawan yang ada :)

  8. yeahh.. i've xperienced it in my career world. xramai tp, ada. bila circle dia xde then, baru dia nampak kita. i'll try my very best to apply #SocialDistancing from these kind of people. sbb rasa annoying. ha3..

    1. hahaha yeah sis avoid people like that for inner peace

  9. Ramai mana pun kawan, yang akan stay dengan kita mesti 2 3 orang je. Tapi makin meningkat usia, makin dah tak boleh nak huha huha macam zaman remaja.

    1. hahaha betul tu , lagi lagi bila ramai dah berpindah randah ada commitment masing masng lagi

  10. berkawan biar seribu berkasih biar satu eh ehhh hahaha

  11. sama.. semua yang dinyatakan itu pernah berlaku..
    Dan mungkin kita juga melakukannya pada kawan kita tanpa kita sedari..

  12. Totally agree. Our cirle of friends getting smaller once we enter 20's. So, keep appreciating those who stay with us.

  13. Macam akak ni, dah lewat 20-an, kawan2 ramai dah kahwin. So, tak boleh dah nak huuhaa huuhaa macam dulu. Huhuhu. Just, tegur sapa kat komen fb or ig jela. Nasib baik dorang sudi reply kita yang single lagi ni. hahaha
