Tutorial : Cara letak top button ( simple)

By sophea ◇ - 2:41 AM

 Helloo , assalamualaikum guys !! moshi-moshi ^____^ This would be my first ever tutorial in my life. I just try to do something new somehow . I wish no bad  comments please i just appreciate lovely appreciation . I hope this tutorial would help certain people . Kusut macam mana nak letak top button dekat dalam blog ?

Whats top button ? Top button / scroll button all whatever people call it , the main function is make your blog to reach on top easily w/o kena scroll balik secara manual . Click je that button dia akan reach header balik . Simple kan ? 

 Okay let me share  it with you :)  Its super easy and confirm jadi  . Jum ! 

Ni contoh Top button yang ada kat page yang akan di link kan , ada banyak lagi !! 



First pegi dekat link ni ( HERE ) > Then , carilah top button yang digemari (COPY CODE SEBELAH DIA ) >LAYOUT > ADD GADGET  > PASTE

Tengok jadi tak ??? Confirm jadi punya lah  .


Okay lah tu je , bye ;)

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  1. Teringat zaman mula-mula berblog, semangat letak segala peralatan. Sekarang sebab guna telefon bimbit sudah tidak kisah pasal blog.
    Ok untuk orang yang cari fungsi ini.

    1. hahaha faham aritu pakai phone memang nmpak biasa je , tapi sebab suka pakai laptop bila berblog rasa penuh screen . thank u :)

  2. Thank you for tutorial!

  3. Cool! I've been looking for this one, thank you!^^

  4. wah thank you for this tutorial! macam know-know je Kai nak add top button hehe. thank you, nanti kalau jadi Kai bagitau ;D

  5. yayy dah jadi!! tysm <3 https://kyratulamira.blogspot.com/

  6. thank youu.. tutorial senang and mudah difahami

  7. very useful tutorial. keep it up^^
