Penting ke First Impression ?

By sophea ◇ - 5:53 AM


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Assalamualaikum and  hello guys . Our life full with greet , meet and goodbye . They said first impression would stay forever . Agree with that such statement ? I'm not fully agree with that because i never ever  leaving such a great impact in any first meet . I'm such malu-malu kucing punya olang hehe.Dah berminggu baru nak tunjuk belang the real me . Itu pun when i was around my close friend lah .

What would be you guys punya first impression ? Mine for sure = sombong , takut orang nak dekat . Apa yang boleh dilihat , my bestfriends yang stay sekarang mostly ialah orang yang first tegur dulu when we were in our first met . Wow , i just realized that ! Maybe i'm such a shy person (konon) when i meet a new friend but when i comfortable with anyone i'll becoming open .  Betul lah , takkan after a year kenal still nak gelak cover kot tutup mulut . Lol rasa macam hyde and jekyll pula ada 2 dominant character . Eh tak boleh , hyde and jekyll hyunbin handsome !

For me as long as our first impression tu tak jadi negatif sangat then its okaylah . Impression tu kira macam judgemental lah kan ? Aip , baru first time jumpa dah nak judging , no no no . Lets become such warm and open person . Tak payah nak judge orang sangat lah , kita pun bukan semua orang suka pun . Jadi jangan nak cari musuh pula . (tengah nasihat diri sendiri)

Penting ke first impression ? for me nope secara tak formal but in formal way sememangnya penting . Formal dan tak formal . Formal such as during interview , interviewer confirm tengok appearance candidate dulu baru dia decide nak kasi jawatan or tidak . While tak formal macam in friendship atau aktiviti seharian.

Okay actually kan ,during minggu orentasi when i was a student i always jadi lone ranger because idk how to become sweet talker puji  others , chat about fancy things . I saw some did this and its  work . Well it won't be permanent (friendship seems u kinda fake here) but its  a good try , at least that person do something and not like me . I just sit there and observe other , ouh dont forget that i pray so hard that orentasi session to end fast ! I'm not introvert , but i know first meet people akan judge you kaw-kaw in their brain but cover dengan senyuman ( look what happen when i start  overthinking)

It took me 2 weeks to warm up ~ Actually even until end of semester i still known as lone ranger , but its kinda worth it . Since i can make a lot of friends and not only stick dengan satu geng je . Well , thats what i thought . First impression or last impression , i hope we gonna leave a good memories to others . Even , we as human tak lari dari buat silap , tapi why not we try untuk bagi a good impression kepada orang lain . Don't forget to always be nice and gentle .

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  1. Samalah tidak peramah sangat. Orang tegur baru layan tapi kadang-kadang ada juga usaha tegur orang dahulu kalau rasa boleh kamceng.

    1. Betul lagi kalau dpt tahu ada minat sama bolehlah ajak sembang

  2. masa akak mula-mula kerja, ramai orang yang tak nak berkawan atau bertegur sapa dengan akak, sebab mereka kata muka akak nampak sombong dan garang. hehehehhe
    tapi memang betul, akak jenis bermuka serius tapi bila dah kenal memang takdelah serius atau sombong... biasa je cuma first impression tu kadang cuma samaran hehehhe

    1. Kadang buat muka serious sebab taknak nampak kekok je . Lagi baru kenalkan.

      Kira mcm penyamaran lah hahaha

  3. mcm akak pun nk berkawan ngk juga org, kalau muka dia npk mcm tak friendly, serius je kita nk tegur pun takut..

    1. Kalau yang tu kita tunggu dia tegur kita dulu hahaha

  4. i always got sombong as well .. i tak shy tapi i mmg sombong and takkan tgur dulu hahahah but once u tegur me.. il be nice all the world hehehe

    1. Hahahaha yeah I know you are nice atie. Being too peramah also giving u such disadvantages lol

  5. First impression tu yang paling penting, cuma jangan sampai berpura2

  6. For a 'resting bitch face' like me, I got a lot of "ala, ingatkan sombong rupanya tak pun sebenarnya". Sebabtu lah ada pepatah Inggeris, "don't judge a book by its cover"! Ah, gitchuu... Hee :D

    1. Hahaha my wild judgemental side :" orang yang muka sombong selalu peramah " but yeah some really prove I'm wrong

  7. wow... we might be similar in a way... people who doesn't know me always said that I'm too hard to be approach because I look sombong and somewhat always in a bad mood.. kang senyum tanpa sebab kata gila pula hm, entah la... but I agreed with you that first impression on formal occasions are important and less important on informal occasion.

    1. U really sum up what I try to say just in a sentence while I need a paragraph to deliver it lol .

      People judge me too harsh Lol thank god its not been too long

  8. first impression sy selalu ke laut 😂😂😂 x blh pakai

  9. For me, kadang2 1st impression tak semua betul, try kenal2 dlu sbb once you kenal baru u blh tgk how their character 😊

    1. Kan mostly mine also jarang betul . tapi when it fits well I was like " aku dah agak dah " hahaa

  10. First impression tu memang crucial, lebih-lebih lagi kalau kita dalam satu situasi formal ataupun keadaan di mana kita nak seseorang yang boleh masu dengan personaliti kita. Tapi walau apa cara sekalipun, kita tak boleh cepat menghakimi atau mengkritik because we never know the personality beneath.

    A great insight you got there, Miss Sophia. Thank you for sharing!

    1. that's I try to deliver , too judging also take boleh juga kan .

      Thanks !!
