My Pet Is My...

By sophea ◇ - 7:07 PM

 Hello and assalamualaikum everyone . Has good day ? idk its only 9 am here and a bit chilly bcs its raining out there . omg finally bcs it feels so hot lately , so hard for me and my kittens to sleep πŸ˜‚ well we arent air conditioner user . 

If you guys have beem in my blog for awhile , you must know that i already has 5 kittens and 2 cats.. 

yeay happy mom here . 

For me my cats are my : 

1) survivor 

well, I'm such a sad person 😭 so I guess with the presence of them, they really helping me to at least living and stay living. 

2) my fluffy pillow

I can't sleep if they aren't sleep with me. Because at least I know they are safe with me not in danger place and being hurt.  I feel so sad bcs it's so hot lately my kittens can't sleep in a peace 😭😭

3) my family 

yes!! my family members, I told them all my problems and always thankful them everyday πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ " thank u for not running from me since I'm obsessed with u guys, thank u for stay here " 

here are some pictures of them 

Look! my gallery not like other ppl full with selfies, I'm not good in selfie neither so yah.. 

this is mambin (male) he is already 1 year old . I took him walking aroundin my family farm behind house sometimes .. 

this one the oldest cat here, I call her Niko chan. But.. she really big head, she poop every where even i already give a place with litter cat 😭 idk what to do with her, my sister threatens me to abandon her somewhere while I'm sleeping i-

this are my lovely kittens 2 months and half (mochi, Simba, kaoru, Shiro, tomorrow) 

okat that's all with my super cute post hehe. well if u guys want to know I might end up spam tons of my cats pictures so I should stop haha. 

whats the meaning of pet for you guys? I would like to know their name too πŸ˜‚ I guess we all has cat who named as "tompok, Oren, comot " πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 

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  1. Wow! Banyaknya kucing. Comel-comel semuanya!

    1. comel but sometimes bila buat perangai macam jaga budak πŸ˜‚

  2. i only keep 1 per time , and it must be male....
    so currently i have one at home and his name is Yugo...

    1. hello yugoo , lol mind i ask why its yugo ? u got from any thai movie? yeah i guess u choose male cat over female yah juz to avoid them breeding

    2. its from my favorite idols
      TEGOSHI YUYA , Go, i ambik from tego, then Yu i ambik from yuya, then terbalik kan jadi Yugo
      and he is Japanese

  3. I have few cats too but not with me in KL.
    I let em feel more comfortable at kg.

    Abu & Chacha (British Shorthair) + 3 newborn that haven't named yet.
    Coco, Cleo and Covy (Persian Siblings)

    I think i'll write about em too. In special new label.

    Take care.

    1. aww such a cute name , im excited for abuu its remind me with abu in aladdin movie .

      sure i would lovely to read yours πŸ’•

  4. comel2 semua, mesti wangi2 kan ...grrrr geram!

  5. hahahahah ye akak ada kucing nama comot...

    buat masa ni akak ada 5 ekor kucing, 1 emak dan 4 ekor anak...
    mulanya kucing ni datang menumpang je, sampailah dia bunting dan beranak... lepas tu suami akak nak bela mereka, jadi lah kami ada pets
    comot si emak
    cik mot= cik comot (anak)
    cik tam= cik hitam (anak )
    cik teh= cik putih(anak)
    cik bu = cik kelabu ( anak)
    senang je bagi nama kihkih kih

    1. alaa comelnye name yang akak kasi 😭😭 saya yang tersengih sorang kat sini πŸ˜‚ . Alhamdulillah ada dorang tempat berlindung

  6. Replies
    1. HE IS !! But now he kinda annoyed with me bcs jealous dgn kittens πŸ˜‚

  7. 2,3 hari pepagi dah sejuk kan. okay sangat cuaca sejuk.
    seronok banyak anak kucing. jadi peneman kat rumah :)

  8. my cat is my sibling. im only one doter to my parent and kucing2 la jdi sibling sy, almost 30 cats kat kg tuuu

  9. ommey nyerrrrrrrr nk pinjam 1 nk peluk bw tidoπŸ˜†

  10. saya boleh relate. gallery handphone pnuh gambar kucing sendiri. punyalah obses hahaha

  11. awwww hello cat lover!! your cats are too cute~

  12. banyaknya kucing.. yg putih tu comel
