Actually , I want to live

By sophea ◇ - 9:16 AM

Hi guys how have you been ? Hoping for us to develop some good attitude since its already a new year. I know what a typical new year wishes .Boring .   Joke on me . I just hope for 2024 that  i will reduce my intake in junk food and hello who just drink chocolate drink at 12.34 am ? ''Me ".  May everyone have a good day neither . 

So ,  back to the topic 

'I want to live ....' 

You know what ? 

I use to think that maybe this world aint mean for me . Maybe i'm totally different and I wont fit  anywhere . I used to think that way in a long period of time . Lets called it as ' at the lowest phase of myself ( which i believe everyone facing these) . Struggling . 

But hey , dun worry . I'm not depressed or anything related to that . I just having flash back on how damage i am before these.

Right now instead of ' I dun fit here ' its been replaced  to ..' I dun care i'll just living the way i want ' . I think the main reason i fall into that 'trap of negative thought ' is because of my  people pleasing behavior . SHAME ON ME  . I care too much about what others think about me . I care and keep thinking about it . Their mean words only make me simply admit it without having second thought. Having  a toxic circle and non supportive people around us  can be so dangerous right ? 

For those who related with what i'm saying just now, dont worry you not alone . You know what ? You're the author on your own story . You sail your own ship . Not them . They just  anta ganist in your story thats passing by and will be forgotten . You  will shine in your own way . It takes time for sure ,but sooner or later you'll be fine . Trust me . 

Out of nowhere , I have these thought , 'having a new hope with the  same way of thinking , wont change any , you just self sabotage yourself  over and over again while hoping for the different ending.Thats such a waste of time right ? In the other example , blaming others instead of improving yourself wont giving you a good ending. So keep moving and have a good self talk . I'm not lying self talk do help a lotttt . Please do love yourself more  because if you dont , who will ? 

Till then , and keep breathing :) . 

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  1. I'm glad that you have it all sort out. well, maybe not all of it. but efforts and progress are much matter. may this 2024 will be your better, healthier, and lovelier year. you got this ! =)

  2. let's improve ourself and keep breathing :)

  3. dont care too much what other think bout us hehe
