Hello there :)

By sophea ◇ - 10:06 AM

Random thoughts : " i realize , with no expectation we do living more freely .

somehow i'm glad on how i think right now. 

the sounds on my head literally decreasing. 

i capable to make a right decision even its take way longer than before ( i kinda annoyed with myself in these part) . ''

Hi guys , i think its not too late for me to wish salam Ramadhan to all my muslim friends ! Hows your ramadhan ? 

For me these ramadhan shows the other side of me , i bet i become more independent. Congrats, dearself . I do enjoy going to bazaar with my clique. 

Hey ! do you know , i do shift my focus  on deco my room to make it more aesthetic.

I need a new fresh haish .

A better room so i can happily take my nap and spend my day gaming all day long oso can. 

welp imma introvert 

I prefer to stay on my room rather than be in public. 

Other than deco my room i also plan to go travel  each month , 

I want to meet all my old friends and make memories with them . 

Last month , i went to Kuala Lumpur to meet my friends , we never meet each other since 2018 . Well i do skip graduation ceremony due to certain issues . We never meet for ages but we not even feel awkward towards each other . We spoke freely and maintain with same attitude . I'm glad ! For real . 

I might make a short entry about my small reunion ( if i'm not forget) . 

Well , until then 

Thank You for reading :) 

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  1. Salam Ramadhan yg telah pergi.. Salam Aidilfitri yang masih hangat di sambut.. Mohon Maaf Zahir Dan Batin :D
