
Stay fit

By sophea β—‡ - 11:22β€―AM


Hey guys happy weekend ! 

I think i able to balance between being productive and recharging my energy for this weekend . I start a day by 30 mins brisk walk , which im proud i did it :) . I have plan about it since yesterday . I hope i can do it again for tomorrow la .

Actually kan , i thought i will overslept since i sleep at 3 am yesterday after playing games . Thank to my twin for wake me up . Its kinda late because when we went to the park the sun its already above our head even its only 8.40 am . 

After that we go for our brunch at the nearest tesco . I choose bbq nasi ayam since its my fav . The cheapest and yummy ofc . 

Have you guys ever concern about your weight ?Like mine its keep adding numbers lol . No matter how i change my diet or portion of food . Maybe because i always sleep late

So right now instead of focus on diet only . I try to add some routine of exercise , drink more water and puasa sunat on monday and thursday . Semoga istiqamah . 

Any idea of losing weight? Mind sharing ? Who knows its work kan ? 

I think i will stop writing here . Thank you for reading my bored entry . Stay alive and be thankful for everything :) Seeya . 

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