Help ! My mom addicted with internet

By sophea ◇ - 5:08 AM


 Assalamualaikum , how are u doing guys ? As if u read the tittle , u dont need to read twice because its real !My mom addicted with internet .Addicted ?Sure ? Yes ! This what dictionary on website told me : 'enthusiastically devoted to a particular thing or activity.' haha, my mom not a conventional person , she blends well with trend . Sometimes , she even expert with it especially in fashion (uwu). She still pulls her legging at her 50s wowzerz . Still working and have lovely friends around her .I love the way mom still enjoying her life by doing what she love since she tend to easily stress . Oukay , thats my problem neither . 

Hey okay pasal internet tu , my mom belajar how to use internet dah macam 3 years like that . My elder sister who told my mom how to use it when i was not around . Okay lah belajar benda baru kan , i also proud with my mom about that ! *hugs * But the real problem is whenever she play the youtube all day long after work and her internet cepat habislah kan ? Sometimes her phone hang sebab save  lot videos on youtube.Then she asked for my hotspot , since my hotspot once accidentally connected with her phone . Whenever i use her phone i'll use my internet .

My mom one of peminat tegar 7 Hari Mencintaiku  , so after watching on tv she'll again watching on the youtube . So after the drama end , i no need to listen to the ost repeatedly hahaha .She also one of the Bollywood movie lover , but now mom into old malay movie zaman Mat Sentul , P.Ramlee .  ( i'm fan too with Bollywood and Malay classic ) . I bet most Malaysian know how to dance like a pro Bollywood dancer .

My hotspot just freaking slow , so i said 'no' to my mom because i'm poor i use prepaid not postpaid  . No kidding , i really thankful with free internet given by goverment in this COVID season . The funny part , my mom keep push me to give my hotspot to her  . My mom never say 'No ' even i don't want to do so (sad me ) . plsIts not i'm kedekut tapi my internet not that laju :( . 

The reason why my mom want it , like i said my mum love to use youtube -,- " maybe a bit of facebooking . She seems like cant afford to not have the internet even for awhile . I kinda scared with will giving bad impact .Well , i'm going to read more about internet addiction for my own good too .

Yeah maybe i pun sometimes macam tu i guess , rasa not easy even only a day w/o internet . Its kinda scary right ? We can feel so empty w/o internet . We interact less with living things around us. Internet slowly becomes invisible pills that we take daily to make sure we are okay. So thats why sometimes i'm off from social media . How i'm alive? What did i do ? I play with my cats , drawing , write some poems ,  in short words i do my hobby. If you compare the day with or w/o internet , the quality would be totally different . I take a rest on most of my social media , i guess its a good choice.

Someone pls send me a help to explain to my mom hhahaha .

So kalau korang boleh korang rate tahap kebergantungan anda dengan internet , it would be berapa percent ? Curious juga ni . Lagi satu , have you try a day without internet ? Okay tu je nak share harini . Thank you for spend time reading my entry and ...sorry for my bahasa rojak buah :')

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  1. bg kak shida laa..xde internet kdg2 okay je..mcm xpegang fone or laptop 2 3 hari masih okay..
    sebenarnya mmg kehidupan kita mmerlukan internet tanpa internat pn ssh juga..sbb dah terbiasa satu hal..keduanya..nk cari info atau hal2 yg mmerlukan google pn kena pkai internet..kan
    jadi simple je..kita sndri kena tahu cara kita nk control diri kita mggunakan internet..jgn terlalu taksub..nanti ssh jadinye ^_^ likeee data baru smggu pakai dah habisss..

    1. betul kak shida , off data susah gak . Nanti org nak inform urgent things related kerja susah pula . Tapi kalau nak off internet kena inform others dulu takde org tercari kan.Betul tu , data sebulan jadi seminggu je parah gak hahaha

  2. 75%? Spent most of my days using internet. Genuinely saying, it's negatively impact me in a way I don't go out to do any sorts of recreation anymore. My whole life really depending on it and no, I haven't tried any day without internet but I've tried a week without social medias, definitely a healing times. I enjoy this post a lot, btw! I'm sorry I got a little bit carried away hehe

    1. hey it same goes to me ! Sometimes , i noticed that i use internet excessively causing me not interacting with other people around me . I guess it would loosen up the bond.But thank god whenever holiday my parents and me would go exercise together even at least an hour . Thank you for loving this entry :) the idea just pop out when my mom keep asking for my hotspot hahaha

  3. in my case, my mom really loves spending time watching youtube videos and on whatsapp. she doesn't really know entirely about the internet yet and she only knows using these 2 apps: youtube and whatsapp. as on addiction, i don't think my mum is really addicted to the internet. on a scale between 1-10, i think it's 4.

    how about mine? welp. i think i'm on the internet all day since it's the only thing i have to refer when it comes to latest news, memes and listening to songs. addicted? i don't know. i feel like internet is the only platform where i can obtain entertainments for free. i'm not even sure if i could live without the internet or not but only if the internet is down, globally, i'm right with living without the internet hehe~

    1. hahaha thank god ! dont ever let your mom knowing facebook (sarcasm) . My mom would believe everything that posted in facebook .So i'm scared if some people would take advantage on it w/o my knowledge .

      Memems ? you must be the one who love to spam memes while chattin , i did that too to lighten up the mood in conversation .

  4. hahah! this is funny , like 7 hari mencintaimu surely viral gila.. but i didnt watch it...

    1. Atie , i'm the one of your 'group' too lol , i dont really watch it . But whenever i go to kitchen to grab some foods or drinks i'll stop by living room and watch it accidentally.But i'm missing few plots i dont know the whole story. At intervals, i listen to my mom's spicy comments whenever the drama end haha.

  5. Tanpa internet susah nak intai itu intai ini, tambah lagi anak-anak memerlukannya untuk kegunaan pembelajaran deme. Ibunya pula malam2 nak tengok drama Korean lah, Thailand lah, Chinese lah, Taiwan lah.. tapi biasanya tak dan tengok lebih 2 episode, dah tidur.. hahaha...

    1. haha betul tu kak zaman sekarang sekolah rendah pun kena banyak pakai internet . Anak saudara saya sampai mak dia belikan phone sebab nak join group whatsapp waktu pkp harituu . Kesian pula kalau terlepas info . Kadang pakai internet nak tengok movie je , tapi selalu saya download dulu dah ada masa cun baru tengk hihi ^^

  6. Never try a day without internet. Tak dapat bayang macam mana jadinya nanti. Pada Nur, as long as internet tu digunakan di jalan yg baik, takde masalah kut kan? Cuma as a parent macam Nur yg anak2 masih lagi kecil, kena pandai lah control penggunaan internet & phone since anak2 sgt memerlukan perhatian ibu dia :)

    1. betul tu kak ! saya rasa parents kena pantau penggunaaan internet supaya both 2 ways bonds tak renggang . Kalau ajak rekreasi dengan anak anak pun okay rasanyakan . Saya tak kahwin lagi , tapi anak saudara saya baru 5 tahun dah ada phone sndiri tak berenggang dengan games je memanjang . Risau saya dibuatnya

  7. Tak boleh takde internet sebab kerja bergantung pada internet. Tak pernah cuba lagi melainkan kalau xde internet problem tu haru jugalah tergendala segala kerja.huhu

    1. right ? tapi kalau holiday boleh try itu pun kadang risau takut ada emergency ke
