Pov To Myself

By sophea ◇ - 10:05 AM

 Pov to myself

Dear myself ,

If only you know that  i'm so proud of you.  We did well bruh πŸ™Œ. Not much but at least we're still trying right ? Little do you know , we can sleep soundly already. No more crying till asleep feeling so hopeless , when the whole world already in a silent .  Keep thinking will there be a light for us at the end of the tunnel ?  Or should we just continue our sleep in the bubble deep down of the ocean . 

We did a good step you know ? 

We meet our old friends and created memories . I'm so excited  I'm glad also.  

We do miss them right ? But we keep deny it ! We keep saying they dont value us.  They just our past.  But guess what ? We are so wrong . They do miss us and still happy for our presence.  They not even fake it ! You should be thankful , Allah let you meet a very good friends . Who value you just the way you are . 

Lets preparing for next vacation with them okay ?So many things to do right ? I cant wait.  

Pat ! Pat ! 

Hey dont worry ! Dont ruin your happiness with that small worries in your heart . 

Sooner or later we will getting what we want . We do.  We surely get it. I promise you . You just have to wait and dont stop improving yourself , okay ?  Dont worry its your timeline not them . No race . Dont comparing anything okay ? We do fine and great.  Let prove it :) 

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  1. Betul... Kita kena bangga dgn our on achievement.. kena make sure selalu yakin pada diri sendiri.. yakin kita boleh move forward by our own.. apa yg diri kita ia adalah nice to do.. keep do it :D
